Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Important Questions Advertising Management

Advertising Management Important Questions

Advertising Management | Advertisement Management | Advertisement and Promotion Management | university exam short questions | Question Bank | MCQ in Advertisement Management | Important Questions |
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Important Short Type Questions

1.                   What is Publicity?
2.                  What do you mean by Institutional advertisement?
3.                  State any two contents of Advertising Budget.
4.                  What is the object of slogan in a copy?
5.                  What is meant by media testing?
6.                  Explain the term ‘Advertising Agency.’
7.                  State any four limitation of ‘Advertising’.
8.                  What do you mean by ‘Reason-why copy’?
9.                  Explain the term ‘Percentage on sales Budget’.
10.              Describe the need of Subheadings in an advertising copy.
11.              What is advertising planning process?
12.              Explain the term ‘Celebrity media’.
13.              What is advertising logo?
14.              Why do agencies lose clients?
15.              State any four functions of Advertisement.
16.              What is advertising body copy?
17.              What is direct mail advertising?
18.              What is the main objective of informative advertising?
19.              What is difference between the affordable method and the percentage-of-sales method of advertising Budget?

Image:Advertising Management | Advertisement Management | Advertisement and Promotion Management | university exam short questions | Question Bank | MCQ in Advertisement Management | Important Questions

20.              Give any two differences between ‘Advertising and Publicity’.
21.              Explain ‘outdoor advertising’.
22.              What do you mean by ‘Question Headlines’?
23.              State any four importance of advertising to producer.
24.              What is meant by CAR?
25.              Write short note on ‘Advertising agency’.
26.              What are the methods of determining Advertising budget?
27.              What are the common mistakes in copy writing?
28.              What is direct mail advertising?
29.              What is ‘Competitive Matching of Parity Method’ of allocating advertising budget?
30.              What is Advertising management process.
31.              What do you mean by Advertising appeal?
32.              What is ‘Print Media’?
33.              What do you mean by copy testing?
34.              Explain the term ‘Institutional advertisement’.
35.              State any four kinds of Body copy.
36.              Explain importance of Slogans in advertising copy.
37.              ‘Money spent on advertising is a waste’ do you agree? Comment.
38.              What is direct mail advertising?
39.              Write short note on ‘Evaluation of advertising effectiveness.’
40.              What is copy testing?
41.               What are the purposes of advertising budget?
42.              What is importance of illustrations in advertising copy?
43.              State any four limitations of advertising.
44.              What is meant by Media Selection Decision?
45.              How will you evaluate Advertising effectiveness?
46.              What is humorous copy of advertising?
47.              Internet advertising is still in its infancy. Comment.
48.              Describe advertising appeal?
49.              What is the role of sub-headings in a copy?

50.              What is Pre-Test?

Advertising Management | Advertisement Management | Advertisement and Promotion Management | university exam short questions | Question Bank  | MCQ in Advertisement Management | Important Questions | Interview Questions with Answer Advertising Management | Sales and Promotion Management |

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