Friday, March 15, 2013

Importance and types of Teaching Aid in Teaching Learning Process

Tags: Visual Tools in teaching and learning | Teaching – learning Process: Tools and techniques.| teaching and learning materials | important aspects of teaching and learning processes | Technology-Teaching-Aid-In-Teaching-Learning-Process | success of teaching in terms of the learning process | AIDS IN THE TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS AT THE TECHNICAL | computer teaching aids | Smartroom Teaching | Benefit of Smart room teaching | Audio visual aids in Teaching Aid Learning process |

Technology as Teaching Aid, In Teaching Learning Process.

Technology As A Tool for Teachers

Teachers have always used tools to help them present the material to be learned. Some of these tools we classify today as "low tech"---such things as chalk and chalkboards, magic markers and poster paper; others by comparison have been more "high tech"---tape recorders, 8 mm movie projectors, film strip projectors, slide projectors, overhead projectors, VCRs, and laser disc players.

Technology-Teaching-Aid-In-Teaching-Learning-Process.Today's newest "high tech" educational tools include computers and interactive software. From a teaching perspective, they offer many advantages ranging from classroom management, recordkeeping, assessment, lesson planning, and lesson presentation. Computer software exists that enables a teacher to accomplish all these tasks and more in less time than traditional methods.
The time saving features of databases, spreadsheets, desktop publishing, and word processing software allow teachers to organize their lessons, their classroom budgets, their communication with parents, and children's IEPs, assessment portfolios, and personal records. Once created and stored on hard drive or floppy disk, the files containing these materials are accessible and available for modifying and updating.
The process of teaching - learning depends upon the different type of equipment available in the classroom. There are many aids available these days like, audio, visual and audio- visual aids. They have very much importance in TLP (Teaching Learning Process).
Importance of technology  cannot be ignored while discussing teaching aid, in fact “Technology is the wave of the future.” There’s no denying that. It’s actually the wave of the present. we know that every teacher in academe today has heard that the need to use technology in the classroom is imperative now. If we are going to engage our students in the class discussions and the lectures, we need to be doing this engagement with the technologies they are familiar with. Just last month, The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) said the same thing. In their recent reconstruction of the definition of literacy in the 21st century, NCTE focused more on the technologies that are becoming imperative to literacy education.

Meaning of Teaching Aids

As we all know that today's age is the age of science and technology. The teaching learning programmes have also been affected by it. The process of teaching - learning depends upon the different type of equipment available in the classroom. 

Need of Teaching Aids

1) Permanent Retention of Concept:  Every individual has the tendency to forget. Proper use of teaching aids helps to retain more concept permanently.

2) Proper Motivation to Students: Teaching aids help students to learn in a better way through audio video presentation, it indirectly motivate them. Students can learn better when they are motivated properly through different teaching aids.

3) Proper Visualization: Teaching aids develop the proper image when the students see, hear, taste and smell properly at the same time, an effort is made to create real environment. 

4) Example of Conceptual Thinking: Teaching aids provide complete example for conceptual thinking, when any lecture is delivered in traditional classroom students may not correlate it from practical life but in smart classroom where latest tools and technologies are made available them, they can get a complete understanding of subject matter through conceptual thinking.

5) The teaching aids create the environment of interest for the students.

6) Vocabulary Building: In traditional classroom students are delivered lectures only, it may be possible that they write incorrect spelling and wrong vocabulary, in smart classroom they can see the vocabulary through power point presentation so teaching aids helps to increase the vocabulary of the students.

7) Teaching aids helps the teachers to get sometime and make learning permanent.

8) Teaching aids provide direct experience to the students.

Types of Teaching Aids

1) Visual Aids
The aids which use sense of vision are called Visual aids. For example :- actual objects, models, pictures, charts, maps, flash cards, flannel board, bulletin board, chalkboard, overhead projector, slides etc. Out of these black board and chalk are the commonest ones.

2) Audio Aids
The aids that involve the sense of hearing are called Audio aids. For example :- radio, tape recorder, gramophone etc.

3) Audio - Visual Aids
The aids which involve the sense of vision as well as hearing are called Audio- Visual aids. For example :- television, film projector, film strips etc.

Importance of Teaching aids

Teaching aids play an very important role in Teaching- Learning process. Importance of Teaching aids are as follows :-

1) Motivation
Teaching aids motivate the students so that they can learn better.

2) Clarification
Through teaching aids , the teacher clarify the subject matter more easily.

3) Discouragement of Cramming
Teaching aids can facilitate the proper understanding to the students which discourage the act of cramming.

4) Increase the Vocabulary
Teaching aids helps to increase the vocabulary of the students more effectively.

5) Saves Time and Money

6) Classroom Live and active
Teaching aids make the classroom live and active.

7) Avoids Dullness

8) Direct Experience
Teaching aids provide
direct experience to the students 
The Importance of Teaching Technology to Teachers

Role of Technology in Teaching Learning Process

 “Technology is the wave of the future.” There’s no denying that. It’s actually the wave of the present. we know that every teacher in academe today has heard that the need to use technology in the classroom is imperative now. If we are going to engage our students in the class discussions and the lectures, we need to be doing this engagement with the technologies they are familiar with. Just last month, The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) said the same thing. In their recent reconstruction of the definition of literacy in the 21st century, NCTE focused more on the technologies that are becoming imperative to literacy education.
Calendar making programs, graphics programs, and such programs as Print Shop Deluxe provide teachers with tools for creating posters, classroom calendars (weekly, monthly, yearly), banners, invitations, name tags, and labels. Using authoring software, such as Roger Wagner's HyperStudio, teachers can even create their own software that enhances a curricular activity or is individualized for a particular student.

Technology plays an especially essential role for teachers of children with disabilities. Not only does it make some of the routine teaching tasks easier, but technology also allows a teacher to create learning activities and set up inclusive learning environments that enable the child with disabilities to learn and play along with the other children. In addition, special education teachers can take advantage of the plethora of information about disabilities and assistive technology that is posted on various web sites. Resources, chat rooms, and articles can be accessed to provide current, important information to any teacher, no matter how remote or rural her classroom is. Contact can be made with consultants, well-known professionals, and other early childhood colleagues through e-mail for sharing curriculum ideas and gaining resource information. The potential for future uses grows daily as new technologies are created and as inventive teachers realize the power computers have as teaching tools and begin to take advantage of their capabilities.
It is clear now;
> Because technology has increased the intensity and complexity of literate environments, the twenty-first century demands that a literate person possess a wide range of abilities and competencies, many literacies. These literacies—from reading online newspapers to participating in virtual classrooms—are multiple, dynamic, and malleable. As in the past, they are inextricably linked with particular histories, life possibilities and social trajectories of individuals and groups. Twenty-first century readers and writers need to:

> 1. Develop proficiency with the tools of technology
> 2. Build relationships with others to pose and solve problems collaboratively and cross-culturally
> 3. Design and share information for global communities to meet a variety of purposes
> 4. Manage, analyze and synthesize multiple streams of simultaneous information
> 5. Create, critique, analyze, and evaluate multi-media texts
> 6. Attend to the ethical responsibilities required by these complex environments

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