Tags; How to write Report, Report Writing, Orientation Programme, The art of Report writing, Business Report, University Report, Open Learning System, Close Learning System.
Sample Report on orientation Programme
Report on V Orientation Progarmme
Organised by Academic Staff College xxxxx University xxxxpur
Dated: 09th Dec, 2012
First Session:
Resource persons: Prof. A.K.Chandra, Head Deptt of Physical Education, xxxx
University, Allahadbad.
Topic: Open and distance learning system
The motivational speech was delivered by
Pro. A.K.Chandra, He focused on Open and Distance learning system as technique
of teaching and learning approach.
In the words of Prof. Chandra “Open
Learning system is the system to facilitate individual learners learning”. He
divided learning system into two parts i.e Close Learning System and Open
Learning System. According to him a close learning system is nothing but a
traditional teaching and learning system, which is an institutional based
learning system and learners are taught first then they are asked to raise
questions. In contrast in an open learning system, no institutional learning is
focused but learners are assigned the task first and when they feel any problem
they consult their master.
He further spoke learners expectation are
fulfilled in Open learning system and not restricted to an opportunity to any
formal degree. According to him the more autonomy, the more open is a learning
system and the less autonomy the close is the learning system.
in a close learning system there is a limited seat for learners, while in an
open learning system there is no restriction of seat for learners.
Generally 75% attendance is compulsory for learners in a close learning system
while in an open learning system there is no any compulsion for attendance.
Standard course material; In a close learning system, there are structural based course
materials and the learners are bound to go through the same course and the same
While in an open learning system learners
are free to pursue any paper and any course material, there are unstructured
course and semi-structured courses are available for them.
Method of teaching; a close learning system is in fact a lecture based, competitive and
a teacher-centered system, on the other hand an open learning system is a
learners-centered and not lecture based.
Assessment/Evaluation; in a close system the assessment of learners are made on the basis of
standard examination procedure in order to promote them into next class. While
in an open system self assessment procedure is focused.
Prof. Chandra explain the whole learning
system by giving suitable examples.
Second Session:
Resource persons: Prof.
A.K.Chandra, Head Deptt of Physical Education, xxxxbad University, xxxxdbad.
Topic: Self instructional material
In this session Prof. Chandra assigned learners to prepare Self
instructional material, on the basis of given material, for this purpose he
divided the learners in five groups and appointed a group leader in each group.
He instructed the learners in this regard, the purpose of this assignment was
to develop the skill of preparation of Self instructional material.
Third Session:
Resource persons: Prof. Alok Saxena, Head
Deptt of Commerce, Xxxxx University, xxxbad
Topic: Introduction
to computer hardware and software.
Prof. Saxena familiarized the learners with
the importance of hardware and software of computer through Power Point
Presentation. According to him both hardware and software are integral part of
Hardware includes monitor, keyboard,
hard-drive disc, mouse, printer, graphic cards, sound card, memory, mother
board etc.
Software, according to him, is a collection
of computer programme and related data that provides the instruction for
telling a computer what to do and how to do it.
System software, Application software and
Microsoft office software were discussed as different types of software.
Fourth Session:
Resource persons: Prof. A.K.Chandra, Head Deptt of Physical Education, Xxxx
University, xxxxbad.
Topic: Self
instructional material
In this session Prof. Chandra evaluated the
assignment given to the learners in the second session, group leaders presented
it individually. Prof. Chandra highlighted the lacuna of their preparation and
corrected them they further suggested to improve the skill of teaching and
learning approach.
Sanjay Singh
Assistant Professor
of Zoology, xxx university xxxpur.
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