Saturday, January 26, 2013


By Abhi

Media Scheduling and Scheduling criteria

Advertising and Media schedulingOnce a business decides how much money it can allocate for advertising, it must then decide where it should spend that money. Certainly the options are many, including print media (newspapers, magazines, direct mail), radio, television (ranging from 30-second ads to 30-minute infomercials), and the Internet (search engine optimization, banner, and pop-up ads). The mix of media that is eventually chosen to carry the business's message is really the heart of the advertising strategy.

Selecting Media

The target consumer, the product or service being advertised, and cost are the three main factors that dictate what media vehicles are selected. Additional factors may include overall business objectives, desired geographic coverage, and availability (or lack thereof) of media options.

Kim T. Gordon, author, marketing coach and media spokesperson offers three general rules to follow when trying to select a media vehicle for advertising in an article entitled "Selecting the Best Media for Your Ad."

Rule number 1: eliminate waste. The key to selecting the right media source is to choose the source "that reaches the largest percentage of your particular target audience with the least amount of waste." Paying to reach a larger number of people may not serve well if the audience reached has only a small percentage of likely customers of your product. It may be preferable to advertise in a paper or magazine with a smaller distribution if the readers of that paper or magazine are more likely to be in the market for your product or service.

Rule number 2: follow your customer. Here again, the objective is to go to the sources used most by your target market, especially a source that that audience looks to for information about your type of product or service. Gordon explains that advertising "in search corridors—such as the Yellow Pages and other directories—is often a cost-efficient solutions. They're the media customers turn to when they've made a decision to buy something."

Rule number 3: buy enough frequency. We are constantly bombarded with advertisements and images and in order to penetrate the consciousness it is important to be seen with some frequency. Gordon emphasizes that it is "essential to advertise consistently over a protracted period of time to achieve enough frequency to drive your message home."

Scheduling Criteria

The timing of advertisements and the duration of an advertising campaign are two crucial factors in designing a successful campaign. There are three methods generally used by advertisers in scheduling advertising. Each is listed below with a brief explanation.

 Continuity—This type of scheduling spreads advertising at a steady level over the entire planning period (often month or year, rarely week), and is most often used when demand for a product is relatively even.

 Flighting—This type of scheduling is used when there are peaks and valleys in product demand. To match this uneven demand a stop-and-go advertising pace is used. Notice that, unlike "massed" scheduling, "flighting" continues to advertise over the entire planning period, but at different levels. Another kind of flighting is the pulse method, which is essentially tied to the pulse or quick spurts experienced in otherwise consistent purchasing trends.

 Massed—This type of scheduling places advertising only during specific periods, and is most often used when demand is seasonal, such as at Christmas or Halloween.

Advertising is only part of a larger promotional mix that also includes publicity, sales promotion, and personal selling. When developing an advertising budget, the amount spent on these other tools needs to be considered. A promotional mix, like a media mix, is necessary to reach as much of the target audience as possible.

The choice of promotional tools depends on what the business owner is attempting to communicate to the target audience. Public relations-oriented promotions, for instance, may be more effective at building credibility within a community or market than advertising, which many people see as inherently deceptive. Sales promotion allows the business owner to target both the consumer as well as the retailer, which is often necessary for the business to get its products stocked. Personal selling allows the business owner to get immediate feedback regarding the reception of the business' product. And as Hills pointed out, personal selling allows the business owner "to collect information on competitive products, prices, and service and delivery problems."

Friday, January 25, 2013

Free Sowftware Download: Desktop Activity Recorder

"Desktop User Activity Recorder Software"

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Download Free "Desktop Activity Recorder Software"

Desktop Activity Recorder is like a handy virtual video camera. You can capture entire desktop activity of your computer users  with  "Desktop Activity Recorder Software" ensuure to capture screen activity. It's great  "Desktop Activity Recorder Software" for those that want to conduct tutorials or tweak pictures with an image editor.
With  "Desktop Activity Recorder Software"  you can record the entire screen or section of the screen of your choosing and the result will be saved in an AVI or SWF file with the codec of your choice.
As the recordings may include audio and annotations, you will have a tutorial with a professional voice-over and written instructions within minutes.
With the help of  "Desktop Activity Recorder Software" You can record and replay the progress of your screen casts in real time and record sound through a microphone for better audio results.
 "Desktop Activity Recorder Software" On the downside however, it does not give you many options when it comes to editing the audio so if you make a mistake, you've pretty much got to go back and edit the whole thing again which can be a real pain, especially if you've just recorded a long speech. 


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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Promissory Notes (Pro Notes) Under Indian Negotiable Instrument Act 1881

Ques; Define and explain the term "Promissory Notes (Pro Notes)" as per Indian Negotiable Instrument Act  1881.
Promissory Note has been defined  under section 4 of the Indian Negotiable Instrument Act as follow;
"Promissory note is an instrument in writing (not being bank note or cheque or a currency note) containing an unconditional undertaking signed by the maker, to pay a certain sum of money only to, or to the order of, a certain person, or to the bearer of the instrument."
Therefore, it is a written promise committing the maker to pay the payee a specified sum of money either on demand or at a fixed or determinable future date, with or without interest. Instruments meeting these criteria are negotiable . Often called, simply, a note or pro note .

On the basis of above definition it is clear that;
(i) A promissory note payable 'only to a particular person is valid if it satisfies requirement of the instrument  However it is not negotiable  As we know negotiability is necessary element for negotiable instrument, but from the above definition it  appears that negotiability is not necessary for promissory note.
(ii) In the year 1934 Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Act was passed under section 31 of this Act, it is clear that in Indian except RBI or Central govt no person can make or issue a 'promissory note payable to bearer'
(iii) The person who makes the promissory note is called 'MAKER' instead of Drawer. He is the debtor and must sign the document. The peroson to whom payment is to be  made is called 'Payee'

Specimen of Promissory Note (Pro Note)
Sample or specimen of promissory note negotiable instrument act 1881

Essential Features of Promissory Note or Pro Note:

1. It must be in writing: A Promissory Note has to be in writing, an oral promise to pay does not become promissory note. The wirting may be on any paper or any book or 'Bahi'. It may be in ink or in pencil, no particular words or form of words is necessary in this regard.

2.It must contain a promise or undertaking to pay; There must be a promise or undertaking to pay a certain sum of Rupees, these words may be replaced by any similar words having same meaning.

3.It is Negotiable in some situations: If a promissory note is payable to bearer, is negotiable, however RBI Act 1934 restricts 'Payable to bearer' inn ordinary cases it may be issued or made 'payable to order'.

4.Promise to pay must be unconditional: If something is conditional, there are some terms and conditions to be fulfilled as far as Pro-Notes are concerned there must not be an condition regarding payment. Some conditional words in case of Promissory note are; I promise to Pay Mr. Shyam a sum of Rs.6000/- (Six thousand) only, if somebody claims, If somebody satisfy me etc.

5.It must be signed by the maker: It is necessary that the Promissory Notes Should be duly authenticated by the signature of the maker. Signature is made by the maker in order to show his name or a mark to present his name, the signature may be anywhere with in the promissory note, not necessary to mention it  at the bottom of the Promissory Note.

6.The maker must be a certain Person: There must be a certain person to signs upon Promissory Note. It means the name of the maker must be real, an assumed name cannot make him liable, there must be an identification of the maker.

7.The Payee must be certain: In the same way Payee must be a certain person.

8.The sum must be certain: Payment must be certain means, A Promissory Note must have an amount which may be payable, as possible as it should be in Indian currency only. There must be an absolute figure too. For example Rs 5000/- (Five thousand rupees only) and 12% interest thereon.

9.Promissory note must be in Indian Currency: Promissory Note must be in Indian currency in a absolute manner,

10.Some other Formalities; Above points or features or characteristics of a promissory note states that negotiable instrument must fulfill some conditions, further sec 118 states like any other negotiable instrument some presumptions also applicable on pro notes.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Define and explain "Indian Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881"

Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 (Amendment Act 2002)

Ques: Define and explain the characteristics of  "Indian Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881" in brief.
Ans: Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 lays down laws relating to Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes Hundis and Cheques.
This Act came into force on very first day of March 1882. This Act has been amended several times, the latest amendment was made in the year 2002. This Instrument Act does not affect the provision of Indian Paper Currency Act 1871.
Section 13(1) States that a negotiable instrument means Bills of Exchange, a promisory note or cheque payable either to order of bearer.

'Payable to order' means which is expressed to be payable to a particular person, It does not contain prohibiting transfer.
 'Payable to bearer' means which is expressed to be payable to the bearer or on which the only or the cost endorsement is made.

It is unconditional order to payment. Under Sec 13(2) Negotiable Instrument may be made payable to two or more persons jointly or alternative to one or two.

Characteristics of Negotiable Instruments 
1. Transferability or Negotiability: Every negotiable has a unique feature of transferability means it can easily be transferred from one person to another, There is no need of any formalities like writing a transfer deed, stamping need etc.
2. Transferee not Affected by any Defect in the Title of Transferor: The person who obtains a negotiable insturment, also known as transferee, is not affected by any defect in the title of transferor. All the negotiable instruments are issued in good faith.
3. Transfer Infinitum; A negotiable instrument can be transferred without any restriction of  number of times, the process of endorsement may from one person to another till the time of its maturity.
4. Right to Sue Upon The Instrument: The Holder of negotiable instrument is entitled to file a suit the instrument in his own name without taking permission of transferor and transferee. He need not give any notice to transferor or transferee.
5. Unconditional promise or Order: The one of the important feature fo negotiable instrument is that it is unconditional in payment.
6. Sum Certain: The Promise or order of negotiable instrument is always for sum certain, means the amount payable or receivable is predetermined.
7. Principle of 'Privity of Contract' Not Applicable: The Principle of  'Privity of  contract' states that only a person who is  a party to a contract may file a suit on it, it means he has right and bound by it. This principle does not apply to negotiable instrument.
8. Certain Presumptions: Law of Negotiable instrument has certain presumptions under section 18, according to which Negotiable instruments are subject to following presumptions;
(a) Consideration: It shall be presumed that every negotiable instrument was made for consideration  and that every such instrument when it has been accepted, endorsed or transferred was for consideration.
(b) Date: It is assumed that every negotiable instrument bearing a date was made on issued on such a date, it is mentioned and every endorsement was made in between date of issue and date of maturity.
(c) Time of Acceptance: It shall be presumed that every accepted bill was accepted within the time of issue and its maturity.
(d) Time of Transfer: It shall further be presumed that every transfer of negotiable instrument was made before its maturity.
(e) Order of Endorsement:
(f) Stamp: Every bill of exchange, other negotiable instrument is duly stamped.

Similar Previous Posts;

ICWAI: ICWAI foundation syllabus Paper II

Foundation, Intermediate, Final Exam Syllabus 2012, New Syllabus for ICWAI 2012. ICWAI


for Paper I please refer to previous post Click here>>>
Paper 2: Accounting (One Paper: 3 hours:100 marks)

• To understand fundamental accounting principles
• To understand basic concept of cost accounting

1. Basics of Bookkeeping and accounting 10%
• Definitions and its usefulness
• Financial Accounting principles, concept and convention – measurement of business income
• Position statement
• Accounting Standards – national and international ( basic knowledge)

2. Systems of Bookkeeping 10%
• Double entry system, books of prime entry, subsidiary books
• Recording of cash and Bank transactions
• Preparation of ledger accounts
• Preparation of trial balance – interpretation and usefulness

3. Bank Reconciliation statements 5%
• Need for reconciliation between cashbook and bank pass book and problems relating to the preparation of bank
reconciliation statements.

4. Accounting System 25%
• Concept of capital, revenue, deferred revenue expenditures, opening entries, closing entries, adjustment entries
and rectification entries.
• Accounting treatment for bad debts, reserve for bad debts and other adjusting entries.
• Depreciation- significance, accounting and various methods of calculation of depreciation.
• Concept of single entry system, conversion of single entry system into double entry system of accounting.
• Preparation of receipts and payments accounts, income and expenditure accounts.
• Significance of reserves and provisions.
• Bill of Exchange, consignment and joint venture

5. Elements of Cost Accounting 15%
• Basics of cost and management accounting:
• Evolution of cost accounting and management accounting, cost concepts and cost object,
• Cost classification, cost organization and its relationship with other departments.
• Elements of cost and cost determination.
• Material cost-purchase procedure, store keeping and stock control, pricing issue of material and accounting thereof,
perpetual inventory and physical stock taking, identification of slow, non-moving and fast moving items, ABC
analysis, JIT system, level of inventories and economic order quantity, analysis, investigation and corrective steps
for treatment of stock discrepancies – control through other means.
• Labour costs – remuneration methods, monetary and non-monetary incentive schemes, payroll procedures, labour
analysis and idle time, measurement of labour efficiency and productivity, analysis of non productive time and its
cost, labour turnover and remedial measures, treatment of idle time and overtime.
• Direct expenses – nature, collection, classification and treatment of direct expenses.
• Overheads – nature, collection and classification.
• Production overheads – collection, apportionment, absorption, use of predetermined recovery rates, treatment of
under and over absorption, fixed, variable and semi variable overhead, report for control of overhead cost.
• Administration, selling and distribution overheads – analysis, accounting and control, treatment of miscellaneous
items in cost accounting.

6. Cost Sheets 15%
• Cost data collection
• Cost Sheet formats
• Preparation of cost sheets.

7. Behaviour of Costs 20%
• Fixed & Variable costs
• Direct & Indirect costs
• Cost Behaviour for decision making
• Marginal Costing and Break Even Analysis

for Paper I please refer to previous post Click here>>>

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Urvashi Dholakia winner of Bigg Boss 6

"Urvashi Dholakia" Becomes winner of  controversial TV reality show Bigg Boss 6

Urvashi Dholakia Big Boss winner  Urvashi Dholakia wins TV show Bigg Boss season 6, TV actor Urvashi Dholakia awarded 50lakhs as winner of Bigg boss 6, images of Urvashi Dholakia Bigg Boss winner Urvashi Dholakia Story life Pesonal life interview with Urvashi Dholakia, Hot picss of Urvashi Dholakia Bigg Boss 6

Urvashi Dholakia a Small screen's popular vamp awarde the winner of the sixth season of famous TV reality show Bigg Boss on Saturday night. Imam Siddique a Renowned Celebrity Image Consultant as the runner-up at the finale.

With  Rs50 lakh award to Urvashi  the show came to a star-studded end.  She came out of the locked house after three months, and her family - her mother, and two children, stood in the audience to welcome her.

Urvashi, best remembered as Komolika of Kasautii Zindagii Kay,was in tears. She is the third female winner of the show in row, after Shweta Tiwari and Juhi Parmar, who won the fourth and fifth seasons, respectively.

Urvashi has won Rs. 50 lakh and a trophy as the prize, while Colors channel gave Rs. 10 lakh to Imam for being a 'wholehearted entertainer'. He had been given Rs. 5 lakh by the channel during the show earlier.
Bigg Boss 6 was the sixth and current season of the Indian reality TV show Bigg Boss, which was telecasted on the TV channel Colors. Bigg Boss is the Indian edition of Big Brother (TV series). The season started from 7 October 2012. Salman Khan, who was the host of the previous two seasons, returned as the host for the show. The sixth season was launched as a Parivarik season with a Gujarati tagline- Alag che! (English: It's different). The producers claimed that the contestants on Bigg Boss 6 will be presented with a cleaner, more "family like image". The prize money was reduced to 50 lakh (US$91,000) with an amount of 5lakhs awarded to the "most entertaining" housemate each week from week 6 onwards. The award was discontinued after four weeks for unknown reasons.Well Known TV Actress

The series was won by soap actress Urvashi Dholakia on 12 January 2012. Imam Siddiqui was the first runner up while Sana Khan and Niketan Madhok were second and third runner-ups respectively.
She was among the 15 contestants who entered the Bigg Bosshouse in October 2012, and managed to stay in the top four, with Imam, Sana Khan and Niketan Madhok occupying the remaining positions respectively.

Urvashi displayed a strong winning chance ever since she entered the show. She was appreciated for her upfront and honest attitude, was a smart player and always stood up for the right.

She often got involved in verbal spats with Imam, Sapna Bhavnani and Delnaaz Irani, but she patched up with them, creating amicable relations with everyone on the show.

The finale, hosted by Dabangg hero Salman Khan, had celebrities like Prabhudheva, Emraan Hashmi and Tusshar Kapoor in attendance.

It was high on entertainment quotient with Salman's spicy performance on popular number "Pandeyji seeti" from his movieDabangg 2.

Emraan used the platform to promote his new film Ek Thi Daayan,while Tusshar and actress Neha Dhupia came to promote their new reality comedy show Nautanki: The Comedy Theatre

The former contestants of the current season of the show also entertained viewers. While celebrity hairstylist Sapna Bhavnani and Bhojpuri actor Dinesh Yadav, Vishal Karwal and Karishma Kotak performed a water act together, Vrajesh Hirjee went inside the house and mocked the contestants

Item girl Yana Gupta entered the Bigg Boss house in a cage and performed on the song Aa zara, from Murder 2. Popular TV actresses Rati Pandey, Keerti Nagpure, Pooja Gor and Rashmi Desai also performed on the show

Unlike previous seasons, the sixth season of Bigg Boss promised to be Alag che (different), by catering to a family audience. Though it lived up to the promise to a considerable extent, the show indeed saw some ugly spats between Rajev Paul and Imam, and Delnaaz and Urvashi.

Upcoming Search items;
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Urvashi Dholakia Images Bigg Boss 6
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BiggBoss6 Pics Galleries Winner

Monday, January 7, 2013

How the first Auditor is appointed in a Joint Stock Company

The first auditors of a company are to be appointed at the Board Meeting held after incorporation of the company.
Procedure of appointment:
  • A Board meeting is to be conveyed within one month of the incorporation of the company and pass a resolution appointing and fixing the remuneration of first auditors of the company.
  • If the Board fails to do so, then auditors are to be appointed in General Meeting. In this regard, notices are to be issued for convening meeting at least twenty – one days before the date of general meeting to be held.
  • In case of listed Public Limited Company, if auditors are to be appointed in General Meeting, three copies of the notice and copy of the proceedings of the General Meeting should be forwarded promptly to the Stock Exchange where such shares of the Company are listed.
  • The auditor should be intimated immediately about his appointment. The auditor is required to fill e-form 23B with Registrar of Companies stating in detail of his appointment.*
Removal of an auditor before the expiry of his term:
  • Board of Directors, should convene a meeting after giving notice to all the Directors, to approve the draft of the application for the removal of the Auditor.
  • The application is to be made to the Regional Director of the concerned Region. Such application should be made on the letterhead of the Company alongwith the details and reasons.
  • The company may at his general meeting remove such auditor, even if appointed by the board.
  • Necessary formalities of enclosing documents, payment of fees, etc. are to be complied with.
  • Notice should be issued in writing at least 21 days before the date of A.G.M. and ordinary resolution should be passed appointing new Auditor in the place of previous Auditor at the A.G.M.
*Appointment by special resolution u/s 224(A)

This Section provides for appointment or reappointment of auditors at an annual general meeting by aspecial resolution when 25% or more of the subscribed share capital of the company is held jointly or singly by a public financial institution, a Government company, Central Government, any State Government, any institution established by a State Act in which the State Government holds not less than 51% of the subscribed share capital, a nationalised bank or an insurance company.

Certified copy of the special resolution so passed shall be filed with the Registrar within 30 days of passing, in Form No. 23.

It is also to be noted that, if, after notice of the annual general meeting is issued in the usual course and before the holding of meeting, it happens that the holdings of the public financial institutions have reached 25% of the total subscribed share capital, then the meeting has to be adjourned and after issuing notice under this section, necessary special resolution is to be passed for appointing the auditor(s).

Sunday, January 6, 2013

ICWAI syllabus, ICWAI foundation syllabus Paper I

ICWAI Syllabus

I.C.W.A.I Foundation, Intermediate, Final Exam Syllabus 2013, New Syllabus for ICWAI 2013.
ICWAI  Syllabus for Foundation

Paper 1 : Organization & Management Fundamentals
• To gain basic knowledge in Organizational Management
• To understand the concept of business management at the macro level

Section I : Organization 30%
1. Nature and Functional Areas of Organization 10%
• Organizational structures.
• Functional areas of business and their operations
• Activities of different functions
• Formal & informal organizations: principles of organizations
• Criteria for grouping

2. Schools of Organizational theory 10%
• Classical, behavioural and systems
• Current trend and approaches
• Behaviour in organizations
• Role of behavioural science

3. Organizational Management 10%
• Objectives ( missions, goals and targets)
• Conflicts between objectives
• Appropriate strategy formulation
• Determinants of culture
• Different models available for categorizing cultures
• Different models of organizational model management available to achieve goal congruence.

Section II : Management 70%

4.. Human resource management 20%
• Human resource plan
• Human issues relating to recruitment, dismissal, retirement and redundancy
• Models of Human Behaviour and Motivation and its applications (Taylor, McGregor, Maslow, Hertzberg etc).
• Training & development.
• Development and design of reward system

5. Management of Relationship 20%
• Process of Management covering planning, organizing, staffing, directing, motivating, communicating and control
• Concept of power, authority, responsibility and delegation
• Characteristics of leaders and managers
• Management Style theories
• Contingency approach

6. Management of Change 15%
• Stages & Process of Management change
• Structural change & Cultural change
• Approaches to the management of organizational development
• Importance of managing critical period of change
• Ways of handling these periods of change

7. Pattern of Management 15%
• Broad policies and functions
• Structural pattern of Board of Directors.
• Concept of public sector, social objectives, public sector management
• Current management thoughts

Click here for ICWAI Foundation syllabus Paper II

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Thursday, January 3, 2013

UGC NET/JRF Dec 2012 Model Answer Key Ques/download e certificate june 2012

UGC NET JRF December 2012 Answer Key | UGC Net Solutions, Answer Sheet| UGC | Model Answer Science | Arts | Commerce | E-certificate NET June 2012 |NET Download e-certificate

The National Eligibility Test (NET) December 2012 conducted  on 30th Dec 2012by University Grants Commission (UGC) was held amid tight security and vigilance on Sunday. The students seemed happy as the UGC for the first time allowed the aspirants to take question paper home. The examination saw overwhelming response as students appeared in the large numbers. While about  severn(7) lacs students had registered for the examination in December 2012 examination this time.
Download e-certificate NET/JRFJune 2012
Your wait is over now 
UGC has finally started issuing e-certificate for its NET June 2012, the result was announced on 18 September 2012, after such a long time it finally made it available NET online certificate to candidates' Log in ID through which they have applied for NET, This certificate is available online only for those NET successful candidate who have applied online.

All UGC NET/JRF June 2012 Candidates may check their NET/JRF marks detail;
click here for detail marks>>>

UGC NET/JRF Exam Dec 2012
UGC NET 2012 Answer Key Solution ,

UGC JRF/NET 2012 Model Answer key will be publish very soon. Some of the Candidate uploaded their Key answer just after examination, Please upload your too, if any. We will discuss to expert of concern subject and tally your key answer immediately.

UGC NET JRF December 2012 Answer Key | UGC Net Solutions- Answer Sheet
my answer key pol.sci (paper-II) pl.match and reply

by Sanjana
about 50% ans may be right..

reply and publish your III paper key to match..


Sr no.of question Option ticked Sr no.of question Option ticked Sr no.of question Option ticked Sr no.of question Option ticked
1 * 16 B 31 D 46 D
2 A 17 C 32 C 47 C
3 C 18 D 33 * 48 B
4 B 19 D 34 * 49 A
5 A 20 A 35 B 50 C
6 * 21 A 36 * 51 A
7 A 22 A 37 A 52 A
8 B 23 D 38 C 53 B
9 D 24 D 39 B 54 A
10 D 25 D 40 A 55 B
11 * 26 A 41 * 56 C
12 D 27 A 42 * 57 B
13 D 28 B 43 A 58 B
14 D 29 C 44 B 59 *
15 C 30 D 45 C 60 C

Sr no.of question Option ticked Sr no.of question Option ticked Sr no.of question Option ticked Sr no.of question Option ticked
1 A 14 A 27 B 40 A
2 A 15 A 28 D 41 C
3 B 16 A 29 B 42 D
4 C 17 A 30 C 43 C
5 A 18 C 31 C 44 D
6 C 19 C 32 A 45 A
7 A 20 C 33 C 46 C
8 B 21 A 34 A 47 D
9 C 22 A 35 A 48 B
10 B 23 A 36 C 49 D
11 D 24 A 37 D 50 B
12 D 25 A 38 A
13 B 26 B 39 C

Sr no.of question Option ticked Sr no.of question Option ticked Sr no.of question Option ticked Sr no.of question Option ticked
1 B 20 C 39 C 58 C
2 D 21 B 40 A 59 C
3 D 22 C 41 A 60 C
4 C 23 B 42 D 61 C
5 A 24 B 43 D 62 A
6 C 25 A 44 C 63 A
7 A 26 B 45 B 64 C
8 C 27 D 46 D 65 C
9 D 28 B 47 D 66 B
10 C 29 C 48 B 67 A
11 D 30 B 49 D 68 C
12 C 31 A 50 A 69 B
13 D 32 B 51 B 70 A
14 C 33 B 52 B 71 A
15 A 34 D 53 C 72 D
16 A 35 C 54 A 73 D
17 D 36 B 55 C 74 C
18 D 37 B 56 B 75 D
19 A 38 B 57 A

Paper 2 Commerce Answer Keys:
A= 3,14,18,24,29,32,35,37,40,41.
B= 4,6,7,11,12,13,17,21,22,28,33,34,42,44.
C= 5,9.15,20,23,25,26,27,30,36,39,43,45,47,48,49.
D= 1,2,8,10,16,19,31,38,46,50.

Paper 3 Commerce Answer Keys are:-
A= 6,11,18,21,22,26,29,41,43,45,49,56,60,68,70,72,74.
B= 2,7,10,16,17,19,31,33,37,39,44,46,48,50,51,52,53,54,57,61,65,71,75.
C= 1,3,5,8,12,13,20,25,27,36,40,55,58,62,64,66,69,73.
D= 4,9,23,24,27,28,30,32,34,35,38,42,47,59,63,67.

Key 2012 | Net JRF 2012 Solutions- Answer Sheet | Download e-certificate |UGC NET JRF Results 2012| UGC JRF NET 30 Dec 2012 Answer Key, Download e certificate,ecertificate|  UGC NET JRF Exam Answer Key 2012, Paper 1, Paper 2, Answer Key 2012, UGC NET JRF December 2012 Exam Answer Key, Cut Off, Solution Sheet |Download E-certificate June 2012 NET JRF

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Delhi Gang Rape Victim "Damini" or "Nirbhaya" Hidden fact Real Story

Never Forgotten sacrificing Story and Photos of 

Damini/Nirbhaya a victim of Delhi Gangrape


Damini the Delhi Gang Rape Victim's life Hidden Fact Story, Pics

Is this Damini/Nirbhaya/Amaanat's photo?

According to her friend Damini used to take tuitions to pay for her daily and  educational expenses.

Damini/ Nirbhaya the daughter of Ballia (U.P) really “Braveheart” who died on Saturday(30th Dec 2012) came from a simple  family originally from Uttar Pradesh and took tuitions to pay for her Educational  fees.

Damini, Nirbhaya and Aparajita was the names what media gave name but the real name is still kept secret as per the govt of India Rape case legislation is concerned. whatever the name we give the braveheart lady but the real thing is that we must not forget her courage to not to surrender till last breath views. Damini/Nirbhaya now become a message to our male dominant sleeping society. Nirbhaya or Damini was Born into a family from Ballia, the young woman, family friends said, was hard working and desired to forge ahead in life.
25 साल पहले दामिनी के मां-पिता बलिया से दिल्‍ली आ गए थे। दामिनी का जन्‍म भी यहीं हुआ और आगे की पढ़ाई लिखाई भी। पिता प्राइवेट नौकरी करते हैं और बेहद सामान्‍य सा उनका परिवार है। दा‍मिनी के चाचा 15 साल तक उसके साथ ही दिल्‍ली में रहे। उसके चाचा की एक ही बेटी है। वह बीए में पढ़ती है। दामिनी जब भी फोन पर बात कर अपनी चचेरी बहन को हमेशा साहस और उत्‍साह से उसे भर देती थी।
Damini's Parents, were sure of her daughter making their name, seeing her brilliance in academics, took loans to finance her higher studies.
After her education, Damini went to Dehradun to train as a physiotherapist. She returned to Delhi and started as an intern in a private hospital in north Delhi.

As she was the eldest in the family, her family was convinced that her sucess in academics would inspire her two younger brothers too.

Damini's Heartiest Desire to become a Doctor
गम में डूबे उसके चाचा सिसकते हुए बताते हैं, “सामान्‍य तौर पर लड़कियों के ख्‍वाब पारिवारिक होते हैं, लेकिन भतीजी के दिमाग में एक ही बात थी, पढ़ाई। वह डॉक्‍टर बनना था। इसके लिए वह कुछ महीने के लिए देहरादून भी गई थी। वहां कड़ी मेहनत कर मेडिकल की तैयारी की और दाखिला पाकर खानदान का सिर ऊंचा कर दिया था। अब सिर्फ उसका इंटर्नशिप बचा था।”“Like any family they dreamt of their daughter getting a better job and a better salary,” a source said.
The dreams were shattered when she became victim to a gangrape December 16, the beginning of a 13-day agonising struggle for life that ended in her death in Singapore on Saturday.
Now it is clear that her real name is still unknown to us, the question arises why this bravehearted daughter named as "Damini"

Damini - Lightning is a 1993 Hindi film directed by Rajkumar Santoshi starring Rishi Kapoor, Meenakshi Sheshadri, Sunny Deol, Amrish Puri, Tinu Anand and Paresh Rawal in lead roles. The story is of how a woman fights against society for justice.

Besides being critically acclaimed, the film became the sixth highest grossing of the year and was declared a 'hit' at the Indian box office.Damini - Lightning is also memorable for Sunny Deol's role as an advocate and gained him a Filmfare as well as National Film Award for Best Supporting Actor for 1993. It strengthened his Bollywood he-man image. The film was a milestone in the careers of Sunny Deol and Amrish Puri who gave some great hits like Ghayal, Gadar: Ek Prem Katha, Ghatak: Lethal together. Aamir Khan acted in a very special appearance in the stage show dance song. Damini - Lightning was remade into Oriya as Nari Nuhne Tu Narayani starring Sidharth and Rachana. It was remade into Tamil as Priyanka starring Revathi as the titular character. Box Office India declared the film Hit.

Damini Related News

 Nirbhaya Fund in Union Budget; P Chidambaram in his annual budget presentation at Parliament on 28 February announced the allocation up of a ₹1,000 crore budget Nirbhaya Fund for the purpose of empowering women in the country. "Nirbhaya" is the pseudo name given by an Indian English daily as a tribute to the victim.
Indian Railways to Name Train 'Nirbhaya' or 'Beti' on The Name of Delhi Gang rape victim Nirbhaya;
The Railway Ministry will soon make a formal announcement of naming the Chhapra-Anand Vihar Express (weekly) either 'Nirbhaya' (Fearless) or 'Beti' (Daughter) soon.
The train will pass through Ballia district, the victim's hometown in Uttar Pradesh.
The physiotherapy intern was gang raped by six men including a minor on 16 Dec, 2012 in Delhi. She succumbed to her injuries a fortnight later in Mount Elizabeth Hospital in Singapore where she was taken to on hopes of receiving better treatment.
The proposed move to name a train after the girl has come two weeks after P Chidambaram in his annual budget presentation on 28 February announced the allocation up of a ₹1,000 crore budget Nirbhaya Fund for the purpose of empowering women in the country. "Nirbhaya" is the pseudo name given by an Indian English daily as a tribute to the victim.
Damini case: Accused will get maximum punishment, says Antony

Amitabh Bachchan's poem for 'India's Daughter'

As the entire country mourned the death of the Delhi gang-rape victim, megastar Amitabh Bachchan has composed a moving poem as a tribute to her hoping that the world wakes up to the right and dignity of women.Referring to the 23-year-old girl as 'Damini' and 'Amaanat', the senior actor's poem in Hindi and English said that long after the candle light vigil and floral tributes would end, "...the 'fearless'

Media Glimpses 
Damini's Friend on Zee News
Horror continues: 17-year-old gang raped at New Year's party in Delhi ( .
New Delhi: The national capital continues to be unsafe for women as another girl was raped by two men at a New Year's party.

According to media reports, the 17-year-old was sedated and raped by two men at Safdarjung Enclave area of South Delhi.

Reports state, the two accused, who befriended the girl through a social networking site, work in leading IT companies.

While one in a computer engineer, other works for HR department.

Both were produced in Saket court on Tuesday and were later sent to Tihar.
Brief Of The Incidence 
This is proven by a real story of 23-year-old physiotherapy student was left battling for her life after being brutally beaten up and raped by at least five drunken men in a private bus which was audaciously driven around south Delhi localities on Sunday night(16 December).

December 16, 2012: The young paramedic student raped and beaten up by six men(while one of the accused is a minor, the others are Ram Singh, Pawan Gupta, Vinay Sharma, Mukesh and Akshay Singh alias Thakur) in a moving private bus and thrown out of it after 30 minutes of torture along with her male friend. They admitted to Delhi’s Safdarjung Hospital the same night.

December 17, 2012: Police identify four men who raped and assaulted the girl. Victim’s full extent of internal injuries determined by doctors.

December 18, 2012: Nation outraged by the brutal gang rape while the incident shakes up Parliament with Leader of the Opposition Sushma Swaraj demanding death penalty for rapists.

Protests carried out by students of the Jawaharlal Nehru University on the Ring Road near the Munirka signal against the gang rape. A total of four accused arrested, including bus driver and main accused Ram Singh, search on for two others.

December 19, 2012: Doctors at Safdarjung Hospital treating the victim announce she is communicating through writing messages but still not out of danger. Permit of the bus, which the incident happened, cancelled by the Transport Department.

December 20, 2012: Students from Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi University and Jamia Milia demonstrated outside Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit‘s residence against the government’s failure to curb the rising number of such crimes against women. The eyewitness and male friend of the victim gives a statement.

December 21, 2012: Safdarjung doctors say the victim is stable, but still critical. She is taken off the ventilator. Her male friend identifies one of the accused, Mukesh, during the test identification parade at Tihar jail. Police conducts raids in Haryana and Bihar, nab one more accused.

December 22, 2012: Protests against the gangrape pick up with nation wide outrage on the incident. Thousands gather at India Gate, as victim remains critical. Victim gives a statement to the sub-divisional magistrate.

December 23, 2012: Protests against the Delhi gangrape turn violent. Protesters defy prohibitory orders of the government, face police’s water cannons and tear gas shells. Constable Subhash Tomar of Delhi Police seriously injured during clashes at India Gate. The young victim’s heath remains serious with bouts of vomiting, although she was communicating and conscious. She also suffered internal bleeding.

December 24, 2012: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh makes statement regarding the gangrape and the following protests. Appeals for calm and assures stringent measures for women in the country. Two gangrape accused brought before a Delhi court say they committed a horrible crime and “deserved to be hanged”.

December 25, 2012: Doctors treating the victim say she is responding to the treatment despite being critical.
Constable Subhash Tomar succumbs to injuries sustained during December 23 protests at India Gate. Platelet count and liver function of the gangrape victim improves. She gives her statement again to metropolitan magistrate after CM Dikshit complains to Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde that senior police officials “interfered” in the process. However, the victim’s health deteriorates the same night. December 26, 2012: Protests against the gangrape continue at Jantar Mantar. Constable Tomar cremated with full state honours. Victim shifted to Singapore’s Mount Elizabeth Hospital in a sudden move after her condition deteriorates and she suffers cardiac arrest.

Image Gallery; 
Damini the Bravehearted Indian Daughter
EXCLUSIVE: 'दामिनी' की कहानी, उसके चाचा की जुबानी
EXCLUSIVE: 'दामिनी' की कहानी, उसके चाचा की जुबानीDamini gangrape: protests continue in Delhi
EXCLUSIVE: 'दामिनी' की कहानी, उसके चाचा की जुबानी

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