Monday, December 24, 2012

Labour Legislation, Business Law, commercial law, Mechantile Law important University questions bank

Labour Legislation in India
Business Regulatory Framework
Indian contract Act 1872
Sale of goods Act 1930
Business Law, commercial law, Mechantile Law 
Important University questions bank

  1. Define Agreement explain its types, distinguish between a contract and an agreement. 
  2. What do you mean by Discharge of contract? Explain how is the contract discharged?
  3.    “All contracts are agreements but all agreements are not contracts.” Discuss.
  4.          Discuss the rules regarding communication of an offer, acceptance and revocation. When and how can an offer and acceptance be revoked? Give examples.
  5.          Explain the essentials of undue Influence. Distinguish between coercion and undue Influence.
  6.          What are Conditions and Warranties under the Sales of goods Act 1930.
  7.          What are the rights and duties of a Bailor?
  8.          Explain the term ‘Performance of Contract’. Who can demand Performance and by whom the contract should be performed?
  9.          Explain the terms 'Principal' and ‘Agent’. Who can appoint an agent? Who can be appointed as an agent? Can a minor appoint or be appointed as an Agent? 
  10.  Is adequacy of consideration necessary? Comment. 
  11.  Explain the Position of a minor as a shareholder. 
  12. What do you mean by ‘Wagering Agreements’ 
  13. What do you mean Acceptance? 
  14. What are the effects of coercion? 
  15. Write short note on ‘Pardanashin Women’. 
  16. Define ‘Fraud’. 
  17. Write short note on ‘Continuing Guarantee’. 
  18. Can an agent appoint a Sub-agent? Comment. 
  19. A agrees to pay Rs. 25000 to B, if B murders X. B murders X and demands Rs 25000. A refuses to pay. Advise B.

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