Sunday, August 25, 2013

Google Adsense: Dark Aspect

Google Adsense: Dark Aspect
Image:dark aspect of google adsenseThe article may seems to be surprising for you but lets look some facts behind Google adsense programs or other PPC ad networks.

Presently Google Adsense has the monopoly over textual ads over internet. Google Adsense Offers a contextual advertising solution to web publishers Delivers text-based GoogleAdWords ads that are relevant to site content pages. Google adsense is an online Pay per click program where site owners can earn cool cash by publishing adverts on their site. No doubt about, Google adsense program has made some people reach over the years but today I want to talk about the bad side of google adsense.
Google Adsense Myths Every Blogspot Bloggers Needs to Know
There are a number of myths about Google Adsense which can lead new bloggers in particular into believing that they need only slap a few Google Ad units on their blog and they will become instant millionaires. The reality can be a lot different especially when you consider that 95% of all blogs receive less than 100 visitors per day. Adding Google Adsense to your blog can generate some income but there is a need to be realistic. Here are 6 myths about Google Adsense that every blogger needs to know:

  1. Term and condition of Google ads: as stated in their terms and condition, publishers are not allowed to publish any content related to violence, hacking, porn and others, this only, restricts publishers on posting simply because they want to comply with adsense TOS, what do you think about it?
  2.  Google Adsense discourages direct adverts: My second observation is that: having a lot of adsense displaying on your site discourages direct advert i.e people contacting you to place advert on your site.
  3.  Adsense Requires alot of traffic, if not adsense is not for you: I was privileged to speak with many bloggers using adsense on their site, I later found out that  majority of them are not making good money with adsense, but yet they still stick with adsense, is that not wastage of time?  You need to work on your traffic before talking about making money with adsense.
  4.  Adsense Policy to Account Disable: This is the most painful aspect of Google adsense, at time you found yourself to be complying to all google TOS, but suddenly your account got suspended for a reason not given, "We are sorry, we are limited to the information we can give to you on your account that was suspended" isn't that crazy.
As with google adsense program, this program also have certain rules, which are the basic rules for participating for any real online monetization tools. Some of the rules are

  1.    You site/blog must be functioning and have enough contents
  2. You must be the real owner of that site (if you have created any blog on your own, you are obviously the real owner)
  3. Chitika accepts application from only those website/blog in which contents are written in english and they dont monetize non-English websites right now.
  4.   You site do not have objectional and explict contents,i.e. nudity, profanity, contents who promote violence, discrimination etc. 
  5. Just like google adsense program program policy you cant use chitika tags on torrent or anyother file sharing website
  6. Lastly but more importantly you cant click on your own ads and also tell friends or family or visitors to click on your ads. i.e. dont try to earn money online via deception because the platform providers are more intelligent than you and can track your clicks and and any clicks that are invalid (not real)

My dear readers, my point is that, you need to look for another alternative to google adsense program and the best way is to get your site ready for direct adverts. I know what might be running in some people's heart is that my adsense account has been disabled, but that is not through, it is still active and live on my blog.

Google claims that Google AdSense provides a free, flexible way to earn money from your websites, mobile sites, and site search results with relevant and engaging ads, but reality is something different.
Current article is a personal observation though, you comments are welcomed

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