Capital Expenditure
One-line Definition: Expenditure which add something in the value of fixed assets, is known as Capital Expenditure.
Revenue Expenditure
One-line Definition:
Expenditure which does not add something in the value of fixed assets, is known as Revenue Expenditure
Following example can explain better the concept of Capital Expenditure and Revenue Expenditure;
Capital expenditures are those expenditure which normally occur at the time of acquiring fixed assets, they are non-recurring in nature and utility of which can be enjoyed by the firm or the organisation for more than on accounting year. Capital expenditure maximize the value of assets, while preparing final accounts of the organisation it is shown in Assets side of the Balance Sheet and not in Profit and Loss Account.
Some of the example of Capital Expenditure are;
Installation Charges on machinery, Extension of Building, Addition to library books etc.
One-line Definition: Expenditure which add something in the value of fixed assets, is known as Capital Expenditure.
Revenue Expenditure
Revenue expenditures are those expenditure which normally take place to maintain the day to day operation of the firm or the organisation, they are recurring in nature and utility of which is enjoyed by the firm within accounting year. Revenue Expenditure are essential for smooth running of the organisation, it does not maximize the value of the assets of the organisation, while preparing final accounts of the organisation it is shown in Debit (Dr.) side of Profit and Loss Account and not in Balance Sheet.
Some of the Example of Revenue expenditure are;
Depreciation, Salary and wages, Fuel etc.
Expenditure which does not add something in the value of fixed assets, is known as Revenue Expenditure
Following example can explain better the concept of Capital Expenditure and Revenue Expenditure;
Suppose you have car, you have added fuel of Rs. 1000/-, this is a revenue expenditure, instead if you replace its Tyre and tube, it is capital expenditure, because its utility can be enjoyed for more than one year.