Saturday, April 24, 2021

क्या Power Bank Earning App सुरक्षित है?

Power Bank App : Why It is the best Earning App in India?

आपने शायद Power Bank App का नाम सुना होगा या फिर आपमें से कई लोग इस Earning App से पैसा भी कमा रहे होंगे, अगर हां तो कमेंट कर के जरूर बताइएगा।
अगर आप इस app के बारे में नहीं सुना होगा तो ये बता दूं कि इस एप में आपको कुछ छोटे Amount से रिचार्ज कराना होता है, कंपनी Chain Network System पर काम करती है। जिसमे आपके collection से पुराने सभी कस्टमर को पैसे वापस कर देती है।
आप न्यूनतम Amount 300/- से भी रीचार्ज करा सकते है तथा अधिकतम 150000/- रुपए तक।

Power Bank is Best Earning App in India

अब आप सोचेंगे आपको कितना earning होगा तो यहा आपके द्वारा invest किए गए रुपए 10 दिन में 100% वापस हो जायेगा तथा उसके बाद साल भर तक आपको प्रतिदिन/प्रति घंटे के हिसाब से भुगतान होता रहेगा।

जैसे ही आप 150 रुपए से ज्यादा earn करते है पैसा सीधे आपके बैंक एकाउंट में रीयल टाइम आ जायेगा।
उदाहरण स्वरूप अगर आप 3000/- का पावर cabinet खरीदते हैं तो आपको प्रति दिन 150/- रू पूरे साल भर तक मिलेंगे जो आप सीधे बैंक अकाउंट में जमा होगा।

क्या Power Bank App सुरक्षित है?

हा ये App कभी कोई Ad नहीं दिखता। ना ही आपको अपना बैंक संबंधित कोई गोपनीय जानकारी देना होता है। बस आपको अपना ईमेल id एवं मोबाइल नंबर देना होता है जो की Public Domain Information है।

हां अगर आप ज्यादा सतर्क नागरिक हैं तो आप Fake ईमेल id एवं मोबाईल नंबर भी यूज कर सकते है।

इस कंपनी का बिजनेस मॉडल ऐसा है कि आप भी कमाए और कम्पनी भी कमाए

ये कंपनी जियो और जीने दो सिद्धांत पर काम करती है।

अगर आप थोड़ा और सब्र करेंगे तो आपका पैसा 25 दिन में डबल हो जायेगा और उसके बाद आप उसे अपने खाते में ट्रांसफर कर के प्रॉफिट वापस से daily earning scheme में लगा के हर घंटे के हिसाब से कमा सकते है।

ये App अभी तक सबको पेमेंट दे रहा है। सबसे अच्छी बात ये है कि इसमें आप जैसे ही 150 या अधिक अर्निंग करते हैं तो आप तुरंत इसे अपने बैंक account में ट्रांसफर कर सकते है।

तो है ना win win situation?

अगर आप इसे मेरे referral id से एकाउंट क्रिएट करते है तो आपको अगर पैसे ट्रांसफर में कोई प्रोब्लेम्स होगी तो मैं उसे तुरंत सॉल्व करा दूंगा। आप इसे डायरेक्ट प्ले स्टोर से भी डाऊनलोड कर सकते है। बस account क्रिएट करते समय मेरा referal कोड 580461279 डालना मत भूलें। इससे आपके earning पर कोई असर नहीं पड़ेगा बल्कि मुझे भी दो पैसे मिल जायँगे। साथ ही मैं आपको हमेशा मदद करूँगा। बस आप एकाउंट क्रिएट कर के नीचे कमेंट कर देना मैं आपको सब मदद कर दूंगा। धन्यवाद।

दोस्तों बस इस लिंक से account बनाएं और fake लगे तो आप कमेंट कर के मुझे गाली भी दे सकते है। मेरे कई दोस्त और मैं खुद ही इसमें *लाखों कमा* रहा हूं।

आप चाहे तो *Power Bank App का review Google या Youtube* पर भी देख सकते है।

जब आप Power Bank App download करेंगे तो नीचे दिए गए screenshot जैसा दिखेगा, जिसमे आप को अपना मोबाइल नंबर डालना होता है फिर एक पासवर्ड select करना है और last में referal कोड डालना है। याद रखे referal code 580461279 है।

आप इसे ऊपर के लिंक से डायरेक्ट sign up भी कर सकते है but referal code लास्ट वाले में 580461279 डालना ना भूले।

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Power Bank App Real or Fake
Best Earning App in India

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Daijon Share Bazar

daijon share bazar share bazar price today,
DiJon Share Price today
daijon moneycontrol share bazar
daijon share bazar moneycontrol
The Jones share bazar Industrial Average (DJIA), or simply the Dow, hit a historical high of 30,000 points last week. While the number is a psychological barrier at best, the most important point of this milestone is how rapidly the blue-chip index has recovered from March lows, going on a run of over 60% in 2020.
Daijon Share Bazar (Dow Jones) price history sincr beginning (1900) till date.

1.  Daijon Share Bazar's Annualized average returns of Daijon Moneycontrol benchmark indexes for the ten years ending June 30, 2019 shows: S&P 500:14.70% Dow Jones Industrial Average: 15.03%.
2. The average stock market return of Daijon Share Bazar is about 10% per year for nearly the last century. The S&P 500 is often considered the benchmark measure for annual Daijon moneycontrol share bazar returns.

3. The first time the DaiJon Share Bazar broke its pre-COVID-19 crisis high of 29,551.42 that it reached on Feb. 12, 2020, was on Nov. 16, 2020, when it hit 29,950.44. This is Daijone Share bazar moneycontrol imformation.

4. The Daijon Share Bazar scaled up to 330.36 points, or 0.9% to 28,868.80 and witnessed its biggest one-day gain since Dec 2020.

5. The Daijon Share bazar (Dow Jones Industrial Average), or simply the Daijon moneycontrol, hit a lifetime high of 30,000 points last week. While the number is a psychological barrier at best, the most important point of this milestone is how rapidly the blue-chip index has recovered from March lows, going on a run of over 60% in 2020.

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DiJon Share Price today
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The Jones share bazar.

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Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Trump and the Republican Party's $ 600-a-week supplemental unemployment allowance: softened on the opposition

Washington: Leaders of the White House and Republican Party appear to be softening the opposition over a $ 600-a-week supplemental unemployment allowance. The plan handled the economy and the budget of the families, but the plan expired on Friday. President Donald Trump wants to increase the supplemental unemployment allowance. Negotiations on the Kovid-19 Relief Bill are underway and unemployment insurance is a key component in this.

After meeting in the Capitol Hills on Thursday, the top leaders of the Democratic Party announced a meeting Saturday with representatives of the Trump administration.

Both sides presented their stand before the media on Friday morning. White House chief Mark Meadows immediately spoke to reporters on short notice, while House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called a weekly press conference. Meadows accused Democrats of refusing to negotiate.

He said Trump had instructed him to step up efforts to expand the Supplementary Unemployment Allowance, but Democrats wanted to do politics on it. A top Democrat leader said that the White House on Thursday suggested increasing the weekly unemployment allowance to $ 600 a week, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected it.

He said that it should be brought in the form of a more comprehensive bill, which would assist the state and local governments in times of epidemics, provide assistance to the poor and provide funding to schools and colleges.

However, with no decision in this direction, the unemployment allowance expired on Friday. Pelosi said, "It is clear that they are not understanding the seriousness of the situation and that the extension for the short term is only true if both sides are close to an agreement." Trump said at the White House on Thursday, "We Want temporary extension of unemployment allowance.

This will serve as an important route for Americans who have lost their jobs due to the epidemic and there is no fault of theirs. ''

Friday, July 31, 2020

Time has come to create 2G free India, government should take steps soon: Mukesh Ambani

Twenty-five years ago today, on the occasion of the launch of the first mobile call in the country, Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani said that now 2G in a virtual event organized by the Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI) named 'Digital Flight of the Country'. The time has come for the mobile service to farewell.
He said that when the world is standing at the door of 5G, then more than 300 million people in the country are trapped in 2G and are using 2G feature phones. Necessary policy steps need to be taken immediately on this issue. Ambani said that in the midst of lockdown, mobile has emerged as an essential part of life and has become a medium to empower people.
Referring to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's dream of 'Ease of Living', Ambani said that digital mobility is making this dream come true.

Jio is committed to making its full contribution to the progress of the Prime Minister's Digital India Mission.

Talking about Jio's contribution to the digital economy, Ambani said, "The digital platform will provide an advanced platform for our millions of farmers, small traders, consumers, small and medium enterprises, students, teachers, healthcare workers." This will also create new and attractive employment and livelihood opportunities for our talented youth.

It is worth noting that recently, 13 reputed technology companies of the world have invested in Jio platforms. Jio has added close to 40 crore subscribers in the first four years of its launch. On this achievement, Ambani said that in less than four years, we have given the fruits of digital revolution to mobile consumers.

Recently, Ambani gave 7.73 per cent equity in Reliance's 43rd AGM on July 15 to social media giant Google's Jio Platforms for Rs 33,737 crore, along with making the Indian telecom sector 2G free and offloading 4G and 5G cheap smartphone phones Was also announced.
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